Monday, June 23, 2008


Ok. I have been slow with my blogs and even slower with my responses...but.
I was hesitant about the whole thing. I genuinely believe this was because of the mindset I have had at my school. I brought this up right away when we discussed blogging. At my school, at times they seemed to go overboard with protecting the school from legal issues. Do not get me wrong, in this day and age when people sue for just about anything, I totally understand there point of view. I think my perception of blogging was more of the Instant Messaging flavor. I imagined things getting off topic or getting inappropriate to the topic at hand.
In recent years the school where I worked did set up a web site where teachers could post there overall schedule, assignments, tests/quizzes. It was fairly easy to access for the students and the parents. They were also able to send emails to our school emails with any questions or problems. At times, teachers saw this as a burden. Just one more thing they had to do that would not be necessary if the students did their part and the parents did theirs. This mentality was contagious at times. Not very healthy for people that should be embracing technology. A technology that makes it possible to reach the student and parent in a different way.
Until this class, I never blogged and to be frank, never looked at one. Didn't care to. That has since changed.
My perception of blogging is clearer, I think. And I absolutely see its value and potential. Many things could have been accomplished with a blog for my classes. I have found over the years that many students have tremendous communication skills. I have been impressed and have told my classes. I think if these students had the forum like a blog for my subject, it could simply be one more tool for them.


Dr. Luongo said...

Thanks for your reflection, Steve.

Although you feel you were "slow" with the blogging, I do not think so. You responding when you could and when you felt compelled to do so. Blogs work that way. Some days you have a lot to say, some days you do not. Actually, this mirrors the classroom. Some days students participate and other days they do not.

Thank you for your comments and participation in class!

Andrew GE 555 said...

I also have never blogged until this class. Especially when working with students in a secondary education setting, a blog may be a great way for children to share ideas with one another. As I have expressed in class before, many students do not have much time to spend before or after school to get assistance. A blog can basically serve as another source for getting that extra bit of help that one may need.

Cindye said...

I had blogged only twice before our Reading class started and it was nice that I was doing it in my Computer class as well. I really like it now.