Monday, June 23, 2008

good web site?

I was just doing some broad searches for some ideas for blogs and came across the following site right away:
I was actually fine tuning a search about religion in film and found a link to this site. Seems decent and maybe useful for all for various purposes. It looks like some interesting articles on relating some well known films to religion. I honestly believe in trying this with religion as much as possible. Most students like to go to the movies or rent them. If I can get them to see deeper into the plot then I have accomplished something. Also they may pursue research on the religious themes. I mentioned in class the movie Constantine with Keanu Reeves. Other good ones are the Star Wars films, the Matrix (ironically very Gnostic) and The Lord of the Ring Trilogy. These to me, at least, are the obvious ones, but finding others can be fun and challenging for me and hopefully the students.
I hope everyone can chime in on this blog in particular with your thoughts/experiences. Thanks

1 comment:

Cindye said...

Thank you for the information on I will investigate further